

Many young men and women simply lack an adult role model in their life. I was one of those. Having that missing in your life can be devastating. As a child I didn’t have that person to look up to, to confide in, to ask questions or help. This is a critical role to be in a child’s life and our goal is to provide children with a network of role models and mentors.

Lecturing and Speaking Engagements

One of our primary services is to perform lectures. The concept is to get in front of the problem with kids before they turn to criminal activity or alcohol and drug abuse. We need to educate them about the consequences of their actions, as well as their options they have that will help them avoid the problems in the first place. Having Educated and Experienced volunteers perform these lectures is the key to making a connection with the kids and show them we understand and have been there.

Education and Trade Placement Assistance

Part of my journey was my college education. In 2007 I received my Bachelors Degree in Business Management from Quincy University. That was no easy task I promise you. Our team will help kids work on things like getting back to school, studying for and taking the GED, and trade school or college. There are many opportunities and options for our children to continue on with their education, and we want to help them make the right choice. For some the option will be a trade school, and we have many options in our community.

Job Placement Assistance

One big steppingstone for anyone that has been in trouble is the ability to find employment. Often a business is not willing to take a chance on anyone who has had a trouble life. We work with businesses in our community to place individuals in a rewarding working environment. While many of our youth are not of working age, we work with all who are of legal working age to find them part-time of full-time employment.

Religion and Prayer Groups

Having spiritual advisors has been a key to my success. Part of the success of this program is the guidance of our spiritual leaders. This includes children having access to a minister or priest to speak to, having someone to pray with in person or over the phone, or just having someone to speak to. Our volunteer spiritual advisors are here to help guide our children when they are in need of guidance and prayer.

Counseling Assistance

We are not a counseling service. We simply provide resources for children and their families to pursue. Counseling is an important aspect of a child’s return from a life of criminal behavior or drug and alcohol abuse. We provide a list of qualified counseling agencies for many issues a child may need.